

Thank you so much for the opportunity to attend the retreat with my spouse for the chance to meet other veterans. The retreat was the perfect opportunity to get away from the worries of life and reconnect with each other and plus into a support system can help us as we continue down the path of life as well as a source of assistance others in the future.

Thank you so much for allowing me the opportunity to come to this retreat. My veteran and I have been able to reconnect on a different level due to the different therapies this retreat has offered us.

We were able to stop and take a breath and reinvigorate our relationship thanks to the time, patience, and compassion of the counselors. They were open minded and guided us through many different subjects and helped us find resolutions on areas we avoid. What is offered by your organization is irreplaceable.

The dolphin experience had to be the most therapeutic point for me. The connection between the dolphin and myself felt incredible and her took my mind off all that I had been through.

This was a safe-haven for my veteran as well as for me. It made us gain confidence and given us hope for the future. There are so many organizations that offer things like this but are not willing to help unless you are missing a limb. I was so excited when we got the email to confirm our spot, as this is the first retreat ever that we have attended. I can’t express in words how grateful I am for what you do. Please keep this going.

This retreat has given me and my beloved an opportunity to heal – in the past it has been an individual road to recovery. Now we are moving in the same direction and we have the tools and an extraordinary support system in our community. We are no longer alone in healing our “war wounds.”

Thank you so much for providing the opportunity to participate in this experience. For a short time, I could step out of my stressful life and focus on my neglected self. This opportunity also proved beneficial to my supporter. This experience provided me with new ways to deal with struggles I am facing.

It helped my husband to open up and realize a few things he never realized before. We have communicated this weekend more than we have in years. It’s wonderful to know that our old selves are still in there and that we can grow together.

This is the first experience out of the military for me that some people actually care about what currently serving or veterans are facing each day. This experience was therapeutic and did not feel like just a way to escape the struggle of the world.

We have struggles; more than some, less than others. This program has given us an incredible outlet. We have healed as a couple and as individuals. We met some incredible people, instructors, and counselors. We will always cherish this weekend and the supporters of veterans and their families.

There are not enough words in the English language to describe how wonderful this has been for me.

I am so grateful – for you have saved my marriage and my life with your contributions. I will always treasure this retreat with much gratitude.

When I came to this retreat I was emotionally broken and so was my veteran. We have learned new ways to move forward. Thank you so much for hosting these retreats and supporting us when we need it the most.

I have learned vast amounts of information concerning my illness as well as gained tools that have even saved my marriage from divorce.